
This is the most important page on this site! We're going to share with everyone all of our lessons learned, and the advice that we've been given from professional, touring musicians. If we all band together, no one should ever have to struggle to figure out what they're doing!

The information shared on this page is the personal opinion from each of these artists that they shared with me. There are NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS. Something that may work for one person, may not work for someone else. Do not take these suggestions as gospel, but as a direction to travel. Find what works best for you, and hopefully some of these insights will help you the way they helped us! <3

Please note - A lot of these entries are what I learn and apply to my band and myself. many of the questions will be repetitive, but the answers are unique. These questions ebb and flow. They evolve with my current musical focus. I hope to create a consolidated list of advice/interview answers that is separated by subject in the future.

Pay attention to this page - I am working to add new Interviews, or at the very least new Advice sections as often as I am able.

Advice - Anthony Raneri of "Bayside"

The first piece of advice that I got from Anthony was short and sweet, but something we should all remember.

The second piece of advice I got was in regards to recording in the studio; Q: This is my first time in the studio, do you have any suggestions?"

Advice - Aurelio Voltaire of "Voltaire"

Aurelio suggested checking out his series he made for aspiring musicians to me. It's a very convenient playlist on his YouTube Channel "The Lair of Voltaire". The playlist is linked below, and very helpful!

The Future Rock Star's Handbook

Advice - Derek Sanders of "Mayday Parade"

Derek spent a lot of time with me, and offering advice to date. Something which I will be forever grateful. I asked Derek for help with only two simple matters; "How would you suggest starting a band?", "How would you suggest someone get back in touch with their emotions?"

I did exactly what he said. I moved to Seattle in August, and had a band by October. That advice was invaluable. I'm not saying that there weren't some individuals who didn't work out. There was a bit of a fight to get the right members of our band. Once we were all together though, it was worth the headaches. (The headaches never go away, but you can work through them with the right people.)

This one I didn't follow so well. That has more to do with my issues with focus, I think. I always thought that having my phone would be enough. I still make this mistake, actually. Heed my words. Having pen and paper handy is MUCH faster when you're trying to record something word perfect. Sometimes, I'll take too long getting my phone out and opening the app I'm using to record that information. I usually retain the main idea, but not that first, perfect way that it flowed. Even though I didn't do it the way Derek suggested, using my phone that constantly to write down my thoughts and feelings did actually start to bring me back to being open to feeling emotions again. Writing something every day made things much easier down the road when I had to write for our current catalogue.

Honorable mention for the phone. Once I'd gotten to the point that full verses were coming to mind, having my phone was VERY helpful. Often times, I can imagine the musical backing that would compliment my lyrics. I use the phone to record what I'm hearing in my head through very embarrassing grunts, grumbles, hums and whistles. Keep multiple forms of writing media nearby for the best results!

Advice - Gerard Way of "My Chemical Romance"

My time with Gerard was short, but he really helped me kickstart my drive to get a band together. I won't lie, I was very star struck. I was making failing attempts to not fan boy to my hero that I had been looking up to since grade school. Our meeting (the one-on-one portion he and I had) is a little bit of a blur to me. I'll never forget his kind demeanor, though, and how willing he was to offer me advice. Hopefully I will be able to make his acquaintance again, later in life. Here's what I asked Gerard; "How do I get back in touch with my emotions and apply them to my music?"

There's an AMAZING story that accompanies my meeting Gerard. I tell that story at almost ALL of our live performances, so if you want to hear it, you'll have to make sure you see us live!

Advice - Kyle Fasel of "Real Friends"

I can say With Confidence (lol) that Kyle is the GOAT. He really is the MVP when it comes to heralding the spirit of a musician. He will take the time to talk to his fans, and other aspiring musicians. He thinks about his responses and offer up the best advice that he can muster. I have had the fortune of meeting with Kyle twice now. Once in Hawaii when I was waiting to talk with Derek Sanders, and once at a show in Seattle. Both times, he welcomed my conversation, and offered advice. Admittedly, our conversation in Hawaii was in relation to what his favorite "Exploding Kittens" card was. He was offered the choice of "Catmageddon" and "The Curse of the Cat Butt". What was his answer?

The second time I met Kyle was a little more tailored on my part, because I was still struggling with writing music and being in touch with myself. I was getting better at feeling and accepting my emotions, but I still couldn't allow myself to put those thoughts and feelings into lyrics. I asked Kyle, "How would you suggest I combat writer's block?"

Interview - "Miniluv¹" (Denver, CO) feat. Eli, Greg, Izzy, and Jane!

Recently, we were fortunate enough to play with a very talented group of musicians. They probably have the coolest tour bus that anyone has ever aspired to travel the country in, and they go by "Miniluv²". Miniluv³ is a post hardcore/emo/post emo band that we played with at the Fun House in Seattle, WA while they were on tour. They put on a very energetic show, filled to the brim with emotional lyrics and feeling. I definitely recommend checking them out if they roll through your city. Here is what we talked about!

Huge thank you again to Miniluv for agreeing to do this interview! We can't wait to see you all again, and would love to play with you in Colorado!

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Lessons Learned

Don't make the same mistakes we did! <3